Friday, December 30, 2011

Setting Goals...2012 on the Horizon

With the New Year about to begin the inevitable question of what goals to achieve and of course resolutions to set begins. Question is have you sat down and seriously considered yours?  Well as I had this discussion with a good friend of mine on our run today I thought it might be helpful to throw out a few ideas on how we as coaches set our goals. 

So here's a few tips to help get you started on your path for a bright and happy new year...

#1 - Write down your top 3 goals for 2012
*You must be honest with yourself
*This can include all realms of being - family, athletic , spiritual, work, financial...etc.
*Write them down with a pen and paper - or at least type them out. The actual process
of having to write them down will drive the commitment home on a bit deeper level.

#2 - Share them with your most trusted friend, relative, spouse, or advisor
*By sharing our goals and dreams with someone this verbally encourages commitment
*This also encourages discussion about your goals and how well you are meeting them

#3 - Re-evaluate
*Re-evaluate where you are with your goals every 3 months...are you really doing what it takes to meet your goals? Why or why not?
*If you are on track - congratulations! If not this gives you opportunity to figure out why - a key component of being successful
*When you re-evaluate ask for help from your trusted friend or advisor if you are having difficulty meeting your goals

#4 - Keep your "eye on the prize" 
*Create a visual stimulus and reminder to help you keep on track
*And/or keep a log or journal that you report in daily.
*This can be a vision board, picture, notes to yourself, or the actual goals themselves
*Tape them to your bathroom mirror or closet door - somewhere you have to face your goals and
are encouraged to meet them daily...

Remember the most important thing...the KISS Principle!

K - Keep
I  - It
S - Simple
S - Silly

After many years of coaching, teaching fitness, and advising others on improving their health, wellness, and athletic goals I have found a very common theme that we all can learn from.  Many fail in reaching their goals simply because they focus on the negative, make things to convoluted & complicated, and simply stated - make too many resolutions. Two or three should do it folks. They should be sufficiently challenging to garner your attention and a certain level of commitment. But alas dont make your goals so un-attainable that they become the proverbial "pie in the sky".

Set your goals, make a commitment to see them through, and as Nike says "Just Do It"!

Wishing you all much happiness and many blessings in the New Year~



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