Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Trying new things...

Its been a while since I've been here. To be honest I've gotten so busy with changes to work, life, etc that I realize I've been just in the mode of 'doing'. That is moving from one thing to the next in an endless cycle of responsibilities which I'm sure many of you can relate to. What I do realize is that even though I take some me time and exercise / train daily, I feel I don't have much of an opportunity to do things for myself that are meaningful. I do a lot of doing for a lot of other people. Don't get me wrong - I love it! But, I also have started to realize in order to continue to do those things to help be there for other people I also need to nourish myself.  So - this year I am making an attempt to do just that - nourish my body, my mind, my soul. What will that look like?  Honestly I don't know yet. But I'm thinking I will just start right here and now with a few musings, thoughts, and new things to keep me motivated.

So - what have I been up too. Well - 2016 was positive in many aspects but a rough year in many others. I am actually truly thrilled to jump into a whole new year. I do feel a shift coming, a change, and I am reaching out to 2017 in a whole new way. This year I've started by taking a big step towards opportunities I never thought possible - GO ME! I will share more on this later.

For now  I've decided to take a leap forward and put training and racing 'on the bench' for this winter and focus on earning my 200 Hour Yoga Teaching Certificate through the Baptiste Institute. I just completed my first weekend and all I can say is - WOW - totally not what I expected. Physically I can handle it - though it was more of a challenge to move in a daily vinyasa focused practice than I expected. It was very taxing emotionally but I think that this is positive and will help me find my 'Drishti' (focus) this year.

Until than - Namaste!


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