Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Race Season is here, Vineman Monte Rio Olympic Distance

We had a great time at the first race of the season here in Norcal at the 2nd Annual Vineman Monte Rio Olympic Distance Triathlon. This is arguably the best new Olympic Distance race on the circuit in the area. With a stunning backdrop along the Russian River....ahh....how we love NorCal!
2014 Vineman Monte Rio Swim Start

Drought conditions forced many to "walk/jog/scull" the swim. Great swim for first timers or those who don't enjoy the swim section...you can always "walk / run" the swim!

The course than heads out into the redwoods and than hangs a right out towards the ocean. Spectacular views on the bike course along Hwy 1 are a thing of beauty and tough to ignore as athletes enjoyed a nice tail wind and fast push back to Duncan's Mills and T2. All I can say is "WOW" - I remember thinking it was "distractingly beautiful". Worth the money for this folks. With inlands temps over the weekend in the mid-90's it was an absolutely amazing weekend to be about by the Norcal Coastline.

Hwy 1 Bike Course

Best part is T2 welcomes you back with a gentle transition over the bridge that crosses the Russian River and swim course - a cool view from up high to see the swimmers still in the river. This section is pretty much it for the sun. You head up a gentle grade to the turn around at mile 3 where there is a break in the trees and a little sunshine. Than the rest of the run course is entirely shaded, under the cool majestic redwoods with lots of fast, downhill running to boot. What's not to love about this race! Anyway - a big congrats to all the athletes who finished!  Including a bunch of first timers from the Montecito Heights Health & Racquet Club 8-week program I coached - congrats triathletes! Here are a few fun pics from the day of our TTE Nation teammates and the MHRRC Group. Lots of podiums, p.r.'s, and smiles all around. All together a great way to kick off the summer season of racing! Congrats and well done everyone!

MHRRC Triathletes at their last transition practice before the big day.
Congrats on your big finish everyone! Welcome to the #trilife 

TTE Athlete Shaline Echols and her daughter who came out to see what this 
crazy business is all about. Congrats Shay!

Til next time, happy training and racing~


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