Thursday, December 11, 2014

Happy Holidays!! On the run...

Yes, the holidays are now here and it seems we are all on the run and in more ways than one. In NorCal this is running season! We run love to hit the trails out here and run some cross-country, get muddy, and find a cool trail race to do.

This past weekend we had a huge rain storm that finally eased off before me and some of the ladies hit the trails at the North Face 1/2 Marathon. Muddy, hilly, and hearts pounding we slid around, got dirty, ran, hiked and laughed our butts off.  Its a great event and one that's fun to do with friends. There is something to be said for running together with your friends and not worrying about times.

So get out there and hit the trails, its good to get dirty now and than. Plus you'll have the added benefit of burning off more than 1 or 2 cookies!