I know - it appears I haven't written in quite some time. Believe me - I've tried. But alas work, training, life, and of course google got in the way. It appears now that you can no longer get away with having multiple google accounts. Alas, google is on to me and it appears I've finally run my course with the old Tridiva blog - which I converted into what I thought was a really cool little "back door" option I found. But - google has found my back door and apparently put the "kaibash" (is that a word??) on it - so - as often happens in life it is time to move on, move forward, and begin anew.
So folks, here you have it. My first official post on a completely new blog that I've set up. This one - despite my various migrations over the years in coaching from team-to-team will be my permnanent blogger home. As I enjoy writing and am usually quite prolific I'll hope you'll stop in weekly for all things triathlon and endurance sports related. You'll find photos, stories, cool links, race reports/updates, stats, coaching tips, and all the latest TTE News.
I'm excited to get this horse and pony show rolling once again...so I hope you'll join me weekly for what is sure to be as always...one heck of a ride.
Cheers mate~
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